About Florian Penneveyre

Let's become a Challenger again !

“What my sports career taught me, my life as a trader confirmed it.

The emotions felt are essential to success and well-being.

We just have to learn how to channel them to better use them when it counts.
From the age of twenty, I know that thinking about losing first is essential and the true strength of a winner.
Humility is at the center of the project. By first imagining the defeat you evaluate its consequence to know if it’s bearable to you.

By doing so, you become humbled by your mission. You relieve yourself of all unnecessary pressure. The desire to do well will then make you fly towards your success”


Born in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 18, 1978, Florian Penneveyre realized his dream at the age of eighteen by becoming a professional footballer at the prestigious Lausanne Sport, in the Swiss 1st division.

​​To everyone’s astonishment, he ended his career at only twenty-three and began, without any academic training, a professional retraining strewn with doubts and pitfalls.

His destiny will lead him internationally, to the profession of financial trader, successful entrepreneur and speaker for thousands of people.

​​Florian will cross paths with famous footballers, ministers and wealthy financiers.

Let's become a Challenger again !

From Footballer Professional to Financial Trader

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